Thursday, February 6, 2014

Crash-Course in Child Development

Crash-Course in Child Development 

I often find that parents and teachers are unsure of what is developmentally appropriate at various ages as their child(ren) grow. It can be extremely difficult to pinpoint milestones, especially in your first child. No two children are alike, either, so it can be challenging when other children are reaching milestones earlier than your child. But, as we all know, children develop on their own schedules and in their own time. So much happens in the first 5 years of life -- it is helpful to have knowledge of developmental progression, so that we can help guide our children toward appropriate next steps.

Developmental milestones fall under specific "domains". These domains include physical development (gross and fine motor skills), social/emotional development, cognitive development, and language development (receptive and expressive language). Occasionally self-help/adaptivity, cultural development, and creativity are also included as developmental domains. It is imperative that parents are aware of these domains and milestones so that we can best prepare children for future success.

The resources available to chart developmental growth can be a bit overwhelming and can sometimes even contradict one another. I recommend using a reputable developmental screening tool, such as Ages & Stages Questionnaires, if you have questions about your child's development (or just want to track normal progression of developmental skills). Ages & Stages has questionnaires for birth through age five. Always consult your child's pediatrician if you have any developmental concerns about your child.

If you want to learn more about developmental domains, milestones, and tracking developmental progress, I am including several more resources below.

Happy learning,
The Prepped Parent


  1. The GOOD PUPPY Children's Behavioral & Emotional System provides parents, teachers & therapists, the tools they need to build a healthy structure that helps children thrive. The system is recommended for children, ages 3 to 9." Child Reward Chart.#Good Behavior Chart

  2. Does anyone know what the character that looks like a Cyrillic b stands for? It appears in the "Language" and "Other" rows under "6 mo."
